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Global Solar Atlas – online platform for a preliminary solar energy assessment


Global Solar Atlas – online platform for a preliminary solar energy assessment, Worldwide

The objective of Global Solar Atlas is to provide immediate access to reliable information for preliminary solar energy assessments for anywhere in the world. The online platform is a gateway to global and regional solar resource data, primarily targeting decision makers in developing countries (state and regional governments, experts on electricity production, transfer and consumption, and RE insiders). Its important impact is also recognized in the research community and educational sector.

The Atlas features basic data from the Solargis database, with some location information from the portal. Ancillary data are provided from other public sources.

Free access to the data is provided via an online application. Data are presented as numeric values and interactive maps. An extensive download section has been built, providing print-ready map files, GIS data and other products. All resources are provided as a global package or separately for 146 non-OECD countries and 6 regions. A rich knowledge base is available, especially for newcomers to the solar energy sector.

Global Solar Atlas was published by the World Bank Group, funded by ESMAP, and prepared by Solargis.

Global Solar Atlas website

The World Bank Group
Project details

Regions of interest: Global, with a special focus on 146 non-OECD countries

Start date: 08/2016
End date: 06/2017
Duration: 11 months

Finance support: ESMAP (Energy Sector Management Assistance Program)

Delivered services
  • Global database (land between parallels 60°N and 45°S), consisting of seven raster data layers at a nominal resolution of 1 km and representing long-term average of the phenomena: 1 PV power potential, 2 global horizontal irradiation, 3 direct normal irradiation, 4 diffuse horizontal irradiation, 5 global irradiation at optimum tilt, 6 optimum angle, 7 air temperature; additionally, terrain elevation as auxiliary information
  • Online application provides interactive maps with professional cartography, immediate access to numeric point data, a simple but robust PV power calculator for a selected site, downloadable site reports and navigation tools
  • Integration and access to the selected site data from the info platform, relevant to solar resource campaigns
  • Print ready large-scale (poster-size) and medium-size (on-screen viewing or book format) maps of the three main parameters for 146 non-OECD countries, 6 regions, and the World, totaling 900+ individual maps
  • Data layers in standardized GIS formats provided as global seamless layers or as 146 separate countries
  • Global maps viewable in popular Google Earth Desktop software provided for three data layers: PV power potential, global horizontal irradiation, direct normal irradiation
  • Extended packages of data layers (including monthly data in a resolution up to 250m) are available for selected countries. Additional support files enabling immediate work with data in QGIS software are also provided for selected countries.

World Bank solar renewable resource mapping

Zambia, Malawi and Maldives

World Bank solar renewable resource mapping, Zambia, Malawi and Maldives

The project is funded by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) administered by the World Bank and is part of a major ESMAP initiative in support of renewable energy (RE) resource mapping and geospatial planning across multiple countries. The project development objective is to improve the quality of available information on RE resources in each of three countries by developing resource maps for solar energy. These resource maps:

  • Provide a detailed assessment and geospatial planning framework for RE resources in the country
  • Increase the awareness and knowledge of the Government and other energy sector players on RE potential
  • Encourage new public and private sector investments in RE projects

ESMAP Zambia
ESMAP Maldives
ESMAP Malawi

The World Bank Group
Project details

Countries: Zambia, Malawi and Maldives
Start date (Zambia): 03/2014
End date (Zambia): 06/2018

Start date (Malawi): 10/2014
End date (Malawi): 09/2018

Start date (Maldives): 07/2014
End date (Maldives): 06/2018

Partner companies: GeoSUN Africa, Suntrace, SGS Zambia, SGS Malawi, REM Maldives

Partner organisations: Maldives Meteorological Service, Zambia Meteorological Department, Malawi Meteorological Services

Delivered services
  • Phase 1 – Project inception, preliminary modeling, and implementation planning: Project inception and stakeholder engagement; preparation of an initial solar resource estimate for Zambia based on modeling using satellite and reanalysis data; preliminary validation using existing ground-based data; preparations for the implementation of Phase 2. The GIS data and maps can be downloaded also from the website of Global Solar Atlas;
  • Phase 2 – Ground-based data collection: Implementation of a ground-based measurement campaign using high-quality solar measurement devices, with real-time data transmission and reporting, for the purpose of validating and improving the initial solar resource maps and for generating reliable benchmarking data. The measurements can be downloaded from the web site managed by the World Bank Group;
  • Phase 3 - Production of validated solar resource atlas: Prepare validated solar resource maps and a Solar Atlas report that describes the final outputs, methodology, and process, and includes the provision of the final geographic information system (GIS) data 

Regional adaptation of Solargis model based on solar measurement data


Regional adaptation of Solargis model based on solar measurement data, Nepal

Solargis has prepared an accuracy-enhanced solar resource database for Nepal. Nepal, being a predominantly mountainous country with several microclimates and high levels of aerosol concentration, is a challenging region from the perspective of solar resource modeling.

Although validation of original Solargis model estimates shows reliable performance, regional model corrections were applied to further improve the accuracy of solar resource estimates in the region. The accuracy-enhanced maps suggest that the solar resource in most of the country is slightly higher than previously estimated.

The updated database and maps will support the development of solar energy in Nepal by boosting investor confidence and aiding site selection. For regional model correction, we have used measurement from a 2-year solar measurement campaign carried out by CSP Services. These activities have been funded by the World Bank and the results are available via the Global Solar Atlas.

The World Bank Group
Project details

Country: Nepal

Start date: 06/2018
End date: 07/2021

Partner companies: CSP Services, PACE Nepal Pvt. Ltd., PITCO Pakistan Pvt. Ltd

Delivered services
  • Phase 1 – Project inception, preliminary modeling, and implementation planning: Project inception and stakeholder engagement; preparation of an initial solar resource estimate for Nepal based on modeling using satellite and reanalysis data; preliminary validation using existing ground-based data; preparations for the implementation of Phase 2.
  • Phase 2 – Ground-based data collection: Implementation of a ground-based measurement campaign using high-quality solar measurement devices, with real-time data transmission and reporting, for the purpose of validating and improving the initial solar resource maps and for generating reliable benchmarking data. The measurements can be downloaded from the website Energy Data managed by the World Bank Group.
  • Phase 3 - Production of validated solar resource atlas: Prepare validated solar resource maps and a Solar Atlas report that describes the final outputs, methodology, and process, and includes the provision of the final GIS data and maps that can be downloaded from the website of Global Solar Atlas.

Solar Resource Atlas of Morocco


Solar Resource Atlas of Morocco, Morocco

The Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN) selected Solargis to develop web-based Solar Atlas of Morocco for display of solar maps and basic data for Morocco. The atlas serves internal needs of MASEN and is also available to project developers, financial partners and all stakeholders, including the general public. The main objective of the Solar Atlas of Morocco is to facilitate selection of the best sites for solar energy projects, their assessment, and communication between MASEN and all stakeholders.

Project details

Country: Morocco
Start date: 09/2015
End date: 11/2017
Duration: 2+ years and ongoing maintenance

Delivered services

Online Atlas

  • Online based Solar Atlas of Morocco available in Arabic, French, and English
  • User management options allowing different level of access to different types of data
  • Functionality that allows import of ground measured solar&meteo data to the Atlas and share it.
  • Training on the administration of the Atlas
  • Ongoing contract for maintenance


GIS Data

  • Whole historical archive of monthly data in GIS format in very high spatial resolution for parameters GHI, DNI, GTI, PVOUT, TEMP
  • Google Earth files for GHI, DNI, PVOUT,
  • Print ready large-scale (poster-size) maps of Morocco for GHI, DNI, PVOUT, TEMP
  • Ongoing contract for regular updates of GIS data

Evaluation of solar resource for development of solar projects


Evaluation of solar resource for development of solar projects, Morocco

Morocco intends to develop a sustainable and financially justifiable capacity of solar power generation in the country. Objective of the project was to evaluate state of the art methods for solar resource assessment including site-adaptation of satellite data using local measurements, generation of TMY data, preparing solar resource reports for the two sites for prospective development. Several reports have been issued; a workshop with national experts from MASEN was organized.

Project details

Country: Morocco
Start date: 12/2012
End date: 05/2013
Duration: 6 months

Delivered services
  • High resolution maps of GHI and DNI for Morocco
  • Subhourly time series and TMY data for candidate sites for CSP/PV development
  • Evaluation of solar resource for country mapping and project development. Extensive study summarizing scientific knowledge and comparing most advanced approaches in solar modelling, site adaptation of satellite data with ground measurements and generation of TMY data
  • Best practices in solar resource assessment for solar parks in arid climate. Expert study identifying and justifying the best locations for solar parks in arid climate
  • Delivery of data products generated by the Solargis model for two sites designated for solar projects
  • Solar resource assessment for selected sites based on application of best available practice in site adaptation of Solargis data with local ground measurements and generation of TMY data. Results of the assessment and uncertainty of estimates were summarized in two expert reports.
  • Workshop with national experts and training about the best approaches in solar resource assessment for the conditions of Morocco

Solar Resource Atlas for the Mediterranean

Countries from Turkey to Mauretania

Solar Resource Atlas for the Mediterranean, Countries from Turkey to Mauretania

The "Solar Atlas for the Mediterranean" is a portal for solar resource data and energy simulations (PV and hot water) for the southern and eastern Mediterranean region.

The project brings high-resolution long-term solar resource calculated from Meteosat satellite and atmospheric data calculated by DLR and Mines ParisTech. The data are available via a distributed information system, compliant with GEOSS and ISO standards. The web system is multilingual (EN, FR and AR) and ensures easy access to the data and related PV electricity and hot water simulation tools.  The project is financed by International Climate Initiative of the Germany Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The project initiated and further catalyzed processes, which resulted in creation of Global Atlas of Solar and Wind resource managed by IRENA.

The project can be accessed at:

German Aerospace Agency
Project details

Country: Morocco
Start date: 02/2011
End date: 02/2016

Delivered services
  • Development of web infrastructure of the Atlas, including language versions
  • Link of the user interface to the distributed databases (socioeconomic information, solar resource and other map-based data)
  • Development of map-based information system, with visualisation of GHI and DNI data
  • Provision of GIS support data at high resolution (e.g. terrain, temperature) through live links to Solargis and to the server
  • Development of solar radiation and energy simulation software applications (PV electricity simulation and hot water)
  • Preparation of training documentation, lecture on 3 dedicated workshops

Solar resource data, maps and reports for Renewable Resource Atlas

Saudi Arabia

Solar resource data, maps and reports for Renewable Resource Atlas, Saudi Arabia

K.A.CARE having a mandate to contribute to sustainable development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is focused on development of the technology and human capacity required to build an economic sector in alternative energy and create new business and job opportunities for the Kingdom's citizens. Project focused on mapping the solar potential of the country based on satellite data. Comprehensive satellite-based solar resource data sets and inventory documentation including technical data analysis has been delivered. This deliverables reflect the requirements of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for strategic development of solar energy sector. The data and maps are seen at

King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy
Project details

Country: Saudi Arabia
Start date: 12/2012
End date: 03/2013

Delivered services
  • Inventory of existing national solar resource studies and datasets
  • Delivery of GIS data layers, which include solar resource and meteorological parameters (GHI, DNI, DIF, TEMP) 19 years of data, monthly/yearly values, 1-km spatial resolution). Longterm averages are incorporated into online Renewable Resources Atlas
  • Detailed technical report on data calculation methodology, data inputs (including methods used to calculate and verify AOD and other atmospheric parameters); validation statistics using the data sets inventoried in Step 1.
  • 2 days workshop

Solar resource data

Federated States of Micronesia

Solar resource data, Federated States of Micronesia

The project performed reflected the requirements of the Federated States of Micronesia for key information vital for strategic development of solar energy. In particular it addressed area of provision of high-resolution data suitable for Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) and Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI) data for the entire country were provided, along with Digital terrain model, digital maps and technical report on data calculation methodology, data inputs, and validation statistics.

After selection of the most suitable sites for PV power plants, also the site-specific time series and TMY data will be delivered. The site-specific data are important for energy simulation, PV project optimization and financial calculations. Data are accessible from

Secretariat of the Pacific Community of Federated States of Micronesia
Project details

Country: Federated States of Micronesia
Start date: 04/2013
End date: 07/2013

Delivered services
  • Delivery of Global Horizontal Irradiation and Direct Normal Irradiation data: monthly and yearly longterm averages
  • Digital Terrain Model: elevation, slope, aspect
  • Digital maps
  • Hourly time series and TMY datasets for selected locations
  • Technical report – solar and meteorological data description, methodology, validation and uncertainty.