Solar energy-specific charts
Easy plotting of charts for analysis of solar parameters
Solargis Analyst is a tool designed by solar data analysts for solar data analysts. It offers the industry a quicker, more efficient way to visualize key data streams, identify errors in solar measurements and run solar resource analysis, all in one place.
Solar energy engineers waste countless hours trying to analyze solar data with non-specialist tools or spreadsheets. Those who are able to use custom python scripts struggle with sharing results that can be easily replicable by other team members and project partners.
With Solargis Analyst you can perform effective analysis of solar resource data without writing a single line of code. Use pre-designed plots and visualizations or create customized calculations, aggregations and comparisons, all from a single user-friendly platform.
Easy plotting of charts for analysis of solar parameters
Import capabilities to avoid errors in handling the data
The majority of solar projects suffer from inconsistent solar resource data. Poor quality data affects the accuracy of performance estimates in development and operation, impacting financial returns and reducing investor confidence.
Solargis Analyst makes it possible to run automatic error detection tools and provides manual flagging options to highlight potential issues in solar irradiance and meteorological data. You can also avoid common issues related to misaligned time stamps by using advanced time reference control tools.
Classify and clarify the issues found in the data. Export PDF summary reports
Verification of values against expected patterns
Solar resource analysts face a constant struggle to reconcile unreliable ground-based measurements with satellite-model time series and need tools to help clean, filter, and harmonize data from ground measurement campaigns.
Solargis helps reduce technical and financial risks throughout project lifetimes by eliminating inaccurate data. Create transparency with investors and lenders with consistent numbers obtained from software designed specifically for solar energy professionals.
Consistent numbers from software designed specifically for solar professionals
Transparency with project stakeholders by using verified and quality-controlled data
Share your interest with Solargis team and explore how Solargis Analyst makes your solar data analysis simple. We will customize the demo to your needs, provide pricing info, and answer all your questions about Solargis Analyst.