To assess the solar resource or energy yield potential of a site, we model the solar resource/energy yield using best available information and methods. The resulting estimate is the P50 estimate, or in other words, the “best estimate”. P50 is essentially a statistical level of confidence suggesting that we expect to exceed the predicted solar resource/energy yield 50% of the time. However, ...
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We’ve released a new tool that will allow Solargis users to request time series data for PV systems with trackers. You can choose from 4 types of tracker options: 1-axis horizontal, 1-axis inclined, 1-axis vertical, and 2-axis tracking. It is also possible to specify tracker rotation limits and enable/disable backtracking.
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The process of estimating solar radiation data uncertainty can be sometimes unclear. We've tried to summarise in 4 simple steps how model validation statistics can be used for determining uncertainty of model estimates for P75, P90, and other Pxx estimates.
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Just as there are horses for courses, different forecasting techniques are more suitable depending on the intended forecast lead time. Ground-based and satellite-based methods offer best forecast skill for forecast lead time of few hours ahead. Beyond that NWP models offer best forecast skill. A combination of models provides better forecast than any individual forecast model.
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The meteorological satellite Meteosat-7, which had been providing satellite imagery for the Indian Ocean region has now been decommissioned. The second generation Meteosat-8 replaces the first generation Meteosat-7 satellite. Solargis users working on projects in the Middle East, South and Central Asia, will benefit from the superior technical features of the Meteosat-8 satellite.
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Solargis releases GHI, DNI and PVOUT maps for Google Earth in kmz format. These maps cover the whole world and can be used for fast solar feasibility studies. Maps are available for download from Global Solar Atlas - a mutual project of World Bank Group and Solargis.
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Precipitable water or ‘PWAT’ in short, is the depth of water in a column of the atmosphere if all the water in that column were precipitated as rain. PWAT can be expressed in mm or kg/m2.
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