Price is quoted based on requested parameters (PVOUT, GHI, GTI, DNI, TEMP, etc.), temporal update and number of sites.
Typicaly, licence to access API is valid for one year with the possibility of renewal. Authentication is based on FTP user account registered with the customer.
The request and the response in Solargis FTP API is viable simply via CSV (comma seprated) text files. The first row is the header, defining the data fields. Each other row represents definition and data of one specific location (defined by Lattitude and Longitude).
Data from CSV files can be processed automatically or they can be imported and analysed in various popular software (like MS Excel, etc.)
Data request CSV file must have header with parameter names on a first row. Below header, there can be unlimited number of rows with parameter values (site requests). Order of parameters is optional.
Meteo parameters
Geographic parameters
Simulation algorithm
Temporal summarization
Primary data
Aggregated data
Historic: Present coverage of historic solar radiation and PV data
■ from 1994 ■ from 1999 ■ from 2007 ■ no data
Operational: Present coverage of operational and recent solar radiation and PV data
■ Available now ■ On request
Forecast: High resolution, higher reliability forecast data is routinely available in the regions marked on the map. Upon request, we can start forecasting service for any other area.
Lower resolution forecast data available globally.