GHI | Global horizontal irradiation |
DIF | Diffuse horizontal irradiation |
DNI | Direct normal irradiation |
GTI | Global tilted irradiation |
UVA | Ultraviolet radiation region A |
UVB | Ultraviolet radiation region B |
TEMP | Air temperature at 2m above ground |
WS | Wind speed m/s at 10m above ground |
WD | Wind direction at 10m above ground |
WG | Wind gusts at 10m above ground |
RH | Relative humidity at 2m above ground |
AP | Atmospheric pressure |
PWAT | Precipitable water |
PREC | Precipitation (rainfall) |
Solar radiation parameters: 250m x 250m
Air temperature: 1 km x 1 km
Other meteorological data: approx. 25 to 35 km
Solar radiation data is available from years as indicated on the map above. Data for the sites in a shaded areas is generated manually upon request.
For other meteorological parameters data is available from year 1994 for all regions.
Ground albedo data is available from year 2000.
Data formats
Time Reference