Annual average, monthly averages, and 12 x 24 profiles:
GHI | Global horizontal irradiation |
DIF | Diffuse horizontal irradiation |
DNI | Direct normal irradiation |
TEMP | Air temperature at 2m above ground |
PVOUT | PV cSi yield |
GTI | Global tilted irradiation |
Annual and monthly averages:
WS | Wind speed m/s at 10 m above ground |
RH | Relative humidity at 2m above ground |
PWAT | Precipitable water |
PREC | Precipitation (rainfall) |
SNOWD | Snow days |
ALB | Surface albedo |
CDD | Cooling degree days |
HDD | Heating degree days |
Additional map layers:
ELE | Elevation |
SLP | Slope |
AZIM | Azimuth |
POPUL | Population density |
LANDC | Land cover |
D2G | Ratio of diffuse to global irradiation |
OPTA | Optimum tilt of PV modules |
TLEO | Lowest expected operating temperature |
Other data:
Map layers:
GHI, DIF, DNI, GTI | 9 arc-seconds, approx. 250m x 250m |
PVOUT, TEMP, ALBEDO, HDD, CDD | 30 arc-seconds, approx. 1 km x 1 km |
WS, WD, RH, PWAT, PRECIP, SNOWD | 2 arc-minutes, approx. 4 km x 4 km |
Elevation, Slope, Azimuth | 3 arc-seconds, approx. 90m x 90m |
PV Calculation:
GHI, DNI, PWAT, SNOW_DAYS | 2 arc-minutes, approx. 4 km x 4km |
TEMP | 30 arc-seconds, approx. 1 km x 1 km |
PVOUT, Horizon | 3 arc-seconds, approx. 90m x 90m |
The temporal coverage of Solargis irradiation data varies by region due to satellite imagery availability. With few exceptions, the coverage spans from the 1990s/2000s to the present time. Depending on the region, the long-term averages are calculated for a period from 1994/1999/2005/2007/2018 to 2022. Please, refer to the map above for specific start year.
The long-term averages of the other meteorological parameters are calculated for a period 1994-2022 globally.
Ground albedo data represents the long-term average for a period 2006-2015.