
Documentación Integrations

Third-party software and Solargis

No matter how good the software is, the use of highly validated and accurate data is very important for best simulation results.

The use of data with low accuracy and with fewer validation will lead to highly uncertain results and this in-turn affects the bankability of the project. Therefore, it is very important to consider highly reliable and accurate weather data from Solargis for simulation using third party software.

At the design phase, using reliable data lead to the proper selection of components and system layout. At the operation phase, the integration of consistent and widely available recent data in solar monitoring platforms will help to the proper management of the solar power asset by making performance monitoring cost-effective and transparent.

The data are provided by Solargis in a suitable format, so that reliable information can be easily integrated by any user in most popular applications used in the solar industry. When required by the software developers, automatic import of Solargis data can be made possible via web service.

In case of PV systems, module's response is depending on radiation and temperature values at each point of time. When monthly values are used in a third party software, synthetically generated hourly profiles will be typically the inputs for the electricity yield simulation. On the other hand, in case of hourly values are used, the electricity yield will be simulated from real hourly values hence improving the accuracy of the results. Once the exact site location is selected, monthly averages can be downloaded from Solargis tools like pvPlanner or iMaps; hourly files are available through climData.

Know more about how to import Solargis data in PVsyst, PV*SOL and NREL SAM