The horizon represents the terrain skyline around the selected location and it is generated from digital elevation model. The relevant shading of the modules throughout the year is calculated from this horizon. It is usually sufficient for PV systems, which are placed in the open landscape. However, typically in urban areas other objects (like high buildings, trees, etc.) may influence the real horizon on the particular location. Therefore the applications like pvPlanner or pvSpot support the manual adaptation of the horizon using interactive horizon editor.
Editing the horizon can be done in a pop-up window (example below):
The horizon can be modified by
If the horizon of your location is documented on photos, graphs or horizon maps, upload them (1) and resize and displace in the graph (2) as precisely as possible (see the example on the scheme below). If not, simple geometric estimation with goniometer can be used.
Then in the upper menu switch to Edit horizon mode and continue with modifying the horizon (3). The functions hide/show photos or undo, redo might be helpful during this process. When done (4), click Apply button and pvPlanner will start the simulation process with a new horizon. The results should be noted in PV conversion losses and performance ratio table in the line informing about shading losses.
HINTS with positioning the pictures correctly: