Row 1 Name of the site
Row 2 Latitude, longitude, elevation, time zone, start of the measurement time (e.g. is the first value from 0:00, or 0:30)
Row 3 Blank
Row 4 Name of the weathers parameters
Rows 5 to 8764 One value each hour, 8760 values in total
Sample distribution of .dat file:
7.6 0 3.4 92.9
8.9 0 2.9 80.7
… … … …
3.2 0 3.0 78.1
Users of PV*SOL software can also run PV simulation using Solargis weather data. Global horizontal irradiation and temperature are mainly required parameters for performing the PV yield simulation. Using both monthly and hourly files from Solargis in PV*SOL is possible and requires manual importing as it is described below.
Steps for importing Solargis data to PV*SOL (tested in 2016 version):