If you are an admin user of your company account, here is how you can check whether your subscription is active or not and the expiration date:
Regular users are not able to see subscriptions details for now and they need to ask their respective company's Admin user to know the expiry date.
If you are an admin user of your company account, here is how you can check the users included in your subscription:
Please note that there is a limit in the maximum number of users available under paid Prospect plans. If you are interested in adding new users to your plan, please contact us.
Please note that some of the PV configuration options are available only under Prospect Professional plan, so users of Prospect Basic plan would need to upgrade their subscription to Prospect Professional plan in order to run simulations for all type of systems beyond the basic ones.
You check your subscription plan from your Prospect dashboard.
Please see a comparison table of currently available Prospect Plans here.
Prospect works with a precalculated solar resource and meteo database. The data is precalculated again every 1-2 years approximately.
Under the section "metadata" you can see more details about the period of years used in the calculation, the sources of data inputs and the current version of Prospect you are using (bottom-left corner).
Prospect is updated automatically after you sign in after a new release is launched. Learn more about this in our Prospect release notes.
We are constantly working on improving Prospect features. Please check our public roadmap to see which features we have under development and others we are considering for Prospect app and other tools. You can vote to increase their priority for implementation.
You can access Prospect webinar record available on this site and learn how to effectively use the tool and run your projects simulations.
You can keep updated about our next live webinars via our website and social media updates. Meanwhile, if you need additional support please contact us here or send an email to contact@solargis.com.