
Documentation Product guides Prospect app

How to switch map layers

There are many map layers you can use when you are at Prospect map view. For switching from the initial map layer to other layers you can do the following:

  • click on the top right side of the map window and select the layer from the drop-down list. You can also switch between the satellite and topographic base layer by clicking on the shortcut button next to it.
  • click on the parameter you are interested in on the right panel and the map will automatically switch

When you are switching from one layer to another, please note that the maximum zoom level may change due the different spatial resolution of each parameter represented in the map.

Hide/unhide weather parameters from the map view

After you have signed in with your company account, some of the parameters available under your paid plan may be hidden in your Prospect map view. 

You can control this from the map settings you can open on the top right. From there, you can check/uncheck the parameters you want to see under the map data section. 


Is it possible to hide the map labels of cities, roads, etc?

You can choose whether or not to view the labels of city names, roads and other geographical markers in the map from the bottom part of the layer selection window you can open at the top right side of the map screen.

How to calculate areas and distances

From the Prospect map view you can calculate distances between points. You can also draw areas on the map and know their area and perimeter values for rectangular and polygons.

You can do this by simply clicking on the icons located on the right side of the map window. Please note that once you click again on the “site” icon the drawing will disappear and you will be turned back to site selection mode.